Tips for Flying with Infants & Toddlers

Summer is on the horizon which means one thing in my mind – VACATION! Traveling with an infant or toddler can be stressful, but it can also be fun. With several easy trips under out belt and a few where everything went awry, I’m sharing 10 Tips for Flying with Infants and Toddlers.

1. Pack light

Little ones require a lot of gear – especially when you travel – so saying to “pack light” sounds like an oxymoron. But, taking only the necessities in an easy to carry bag will save you so much hassel. We opt for a small backpack with pouches on both sides. A sippy cup and snack cup go on both sides and the bare essentials go inside. I keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in the top zipper pouch for quick access throughout the day. Having your hands free to wrangle excited little ones is very important!

2. Visualize the day

It sounds crazy, but I like to mentally walk myself through our travel day. I first did this when I flew by myself with my little man at six months. I was so nervous about making it through the security line, so I mentally planned out what I would do in order.

“First, liquids, laptop, backpack and shoes on conveyor. Then, detach carrier from stroller and place on floor. Take him out and put carrier on conveyor with extra hand. Push stroller to security personnel.”

Then I did the opposite to pack us back up. I know it sounds like a bit much, but it worked! We only have so many hands and I wasn’t about to put my baby down on the airport floor! Our process is a bit quicker these days, but I still plan out our steps for each part of the travel day.

3. Wear a scarf

Everyone wants to travel in comfort and that is never more true than traveling with a baby! My biggest travel tip if you are traveling with an infant and nursing is to pull a scarf into your outfit. Instead of messing with a nursing cover, I always wore a loose linen scarf. Going back to #1 Pack Light, a nursing cover was bulky and hot and annoying to get in and out of the bag. A scarf was always handy to drape over little man during take off and landing. (Sucking during these times protect their ears!)

4. Allow margin

After missing two connecting flights this weekend, I have a new rule of air travel which is to allow plenty of margin. Sure layovers are annoying, but unplanned layovers are even more annoying. In the future, I’ll be saving myself the unknown worry of “will we make it??” by leaving extra time in between flights.

5. Make friends with the airline workers

It should go without saying that being kind can get you a long way – and that is especially true when traveling with a little one! If your kiddo is traveling as a lap child – there still may be hope for their own seat! About 30 minutes before boarding, I always ask if its a full flight. Depending on the airline, they may offer you an additional seat. Never hurts to ask!

6. Don’t pack a new package of wipes

This one is simple. A brand new pack of wipes looks like a big block of liquid in the x-ray machine. Save yourself from being pulled aside for inspection by packing half empty packs or placing your wipes in a bin on the conveyor. Learned this one from experience!

7. Stock up on free kids meal toys

New stuff always holds kids’ interest longer than the same ‘ole, same ‘ole. Since we frequent Chick-Fil-A, we have a plethora of kids’ meal books and toys. I started saving them in the wrapper in the back of the pantry. Before a trip, I put a few in our bag for him to open on the plane. It’s fun, it’s new – and it can be tossed or left behind when you land.

8. Pack appropriate snacks

I never understood the importance of packing kids’ usual favorites until I experienced what happens when they only have milk and fries for an entire weekend. It ain’t pretty. On our most recent flight, I learned that blueberries and black beans in a tupperware container are totally allowed through security! Since both don’t have to be refrigerated or heated, I will be packing these as snacks for the plane in the future.

Whatever their favorite foods are, try and pack those with you or look ahead to where you can purchase in the airport. With so much new and commotion, they will be so happy to have a recognizable favorite!

9. Pack an extra outfit

As a single gal, I always traveled with an extra outfit and toiletries in my carry-on just in case I got stranded somewhere. As a mom and wife, I do neither (whhhyy???) After a night in a hotel without our luggage, that’s all changing! Be sure to pack an extra outfit for your little one and any necessary evening toiletries. This is so important for accidents or unexpected travel delays. If space allows, fresh undies for mom and dad aren’t a bad idea either.

10. Be patient

And the number one, most important tip is to pull out all the patience your heart can muster. Over the years almost two years, I’ve realized that our mood and demeanor directly translate to our little ones. Not just with travel, but with your normal day to day. If we’re frustrated and anxious, they will be fussy and uneasy. But if we’re calm and able to go with the flow, they will be happy, playful and easy going.

Travel is full of the unexpected and sometimes you just can’t control the outcome. It’s easy to blame the airlines or the person behind the counter, but in reality it isn’t their fault either.

Be patient with the people you come in contact with, be patient with your spouse, and most importantly be patient with your littlest travel companion. Whether you’re traveling for fun or obligation, air travel with a toddler can be a fun and memory making opportunity.

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