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What comes to mind when you hear the word “homemaker”?

Gone are the days of a woman in heels, an apron and pearls vacuuming the house before the timer dings on the tuna noodle casserole.

Today’s Homemaker is a multifaceted woman of strength and capability. She wears many hats in and out of the home. She may be a master of the kitchen, or maybe a take out pro. Some days its leggings and others its the latest trend from a local boutique.

No matter how many people she cares for under her roof – human and fur babies alike – she’s versatile, innovative and worthy of feeling the same joy she creates for others.

Welcome to a space to meet you where you are, whatever season of life.

Whether that’s in the trenches of the newborn days as a first time mom, with a husband and four kids, balancing full time work schedules with extra-curriculars, or making the most of your single days – these words are meant for you. Wonderful, beautiful, capable you.

Charleston Homemaker was born out of a season of struggle. I struggled through pregnancy and the first year of being a mom, shedding more tears than anyone close to me even knows. Though I developed an incredible love for my son, I still felt a tug on my heart that I had given up on my desires and dreams as a maker.

For the previous decade, I always had a handmade business of some form – from Etsy shops and local sales to owning a brick and mortar store and on site design consulting. In my new season of life, I was never able to balance making with motherhood.

Something always sacrificed – and I couldn’t figure out how to make it all work.

In a moment of crying out for guidance (regarding a product based online store I had been stockpiling inventory for…), I heard the answer I’d been ignoring for far too long. It was time to stop pursuing that type of small business. It wasn’t the guidance I was looking for, but my word for the year had been “obedience”, so I knew it was what I needed to do.

Fast forward 7 months and I had finally come to terms with not having the type of small, creative business I had always dreamed of.

I was a mom, a wife, we had a new home – I had everything else I had always dreamed of.

This would be okay. This would be good.

I signed up for a ladies Bible study at church. After reading the first chapter before the first session, I was pretty darn close to not showing up. In fact, at the first gathering as I sat at a table with 7 strangers, I vocalized those feelings: closing the book and saying “Nope!” as I slid it across the table. You see, the study just so happened to be about dreams. Looking at all the threads of your life – the joys, the pains, your places, your people – and deciphering how God can use you for his glory. Hadn’t I just listened to God to stop pursuing those dreams? This would not be good for my heart. I was certain of it.

After the meeting, I chatted with a woman who lives in our neighborhood kindly wanting to learn more about my creative businesses. She went on to share her passion for organization and how she loved to go to friends’ houses for coffee – and to help them rearrange their pantry. (What a gift if you ask me!) She said “it’s all about making a happy home. I grew up in foster care and didn’t always have that.”

Her words and genuineness stayed with me as I drove home… “making a happy home…”, “make a happy home…”, “make…”

“I’m still a maker in this season!! I’m a homemaker!”

So I decided to embrace just that – be it through trying new recipes to cut our food budget or redesigning spaces in our home. I’ve been digging deep into my heart to discover how I can grow my faith in this season of motherhood and connect with other mommas. Charleston Homemaker is a resource to aid women in their journey to make a happy home and navigate the waters of homemaking in the modern day.

My prayer is for this blog, podcast, Instagram feed – however you find me – to encourage you to dig deep into the things that make you and your home happy. How do YOU cultivate joy in your house? How can YOU serve YOUR family?

I have no desire for you to do things just like us, in fact I’d prefer you not! Because Jesus has a unique plan and style for your family and you only need to follow Him to see it unfold.

I want nothing more than to make a happy home for our family and I know that starts with making a happy me.

January 2020 Update

I was scared silly to put these words on paper and let you peek into my head and heart – they’re a confusing mess most days! But I was confident that the Lord would work through this process – and He did!

Since launching this site in March 2019, I have a newfound love for my role as a mom. Yes, I still have days when the weight of the mundane “to-do’s” seems too heavy to bear… But, through the process of peeling back the layers of feelings, thoughts and emotions, I have a clearer understanding of who I am, who’s I am and why God has me where I am in this season.

Had my plans for a small business taken root, I never would have discovered a love for painting and launched my first ever art collection.

I never would have connected with likeminded and genuine mommas around the country.

I’d probably still be floundering around looking for joy and hope in all the wrong places. Turns out the right places to use my gifts and passions were right in front of me.

I look forward to how God will use this little space in the coming year. Take a look around – I pray you find inspiration, encouragement and maybe a laugh or two!