
How we made them feel.

“People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou What if we thought about motherhood that way? Years from now, Emery won’t remember that he basically ate the same meal every night – but I hope he remembers holding hands and praying as a family before dinner, raising our hands with an “Aaaaamen”. The sense of security in having a family who surrounds him […]

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Beauty Before the Bloom

After our first vacation to Nantucket, we knew it was a spot that would stay in our hearts forever. We time our Nantucket trips around mid-May. Partly to let the getaway fall on our anniversary, partly to avoid the influx of tourists. Mostly to take advantage of the slightly reduced travel costs. The week before “season” allows this young family to enjoy a vacation destination that otherwise isn’t quite in the budget. On our most recent trip we stayed in […]

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